Energy Bodies.

The empirical guide to the 143 energy-bodies (aka. subtle bodies), introduction and index:


All the data on this website comes from direct empirical observations by people including Chris Melchior (the creator of this website, and ), the late Max Sandor ( ), the late Caleb Flick, Sean Redmond, Ed Dawson, Roy Vinner and others, and is being continually updated as our ongoing research progresses.

This website is not about the beliefs of various spiritual traditions, esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings on these matters, but rather it is about empirical observations of the objective reality in relevant areas.

About half of the 143 energy-bodies are detailed on this site at the time of writing (15 or so of those being known in the available data from the traditions) . . . more being added as I research previous observations and spot energy-bodies we’ve not found before.

Features common to all energy-bodies: the energy-body illustrations (and descriptions) on this website are simplified, showing the main parts of each system rather than full details. For example most parts of each energy-body have lower-poles, Source/Ground connections, power-supply connections from below, a connection, for each component, to a broad area of Shadow-Havingness (just below the bottom boundary of the universe), and often other support-structures (some of which are mentioned in the text, some not).

Warning: Making mistakes processing any of these body-systems can damage or kill the body, so take care, and if you are not certain you know what you are doing and can rapidly fix any problems which might occur, develop your own awareness and ability (see Using Deep-Clearing to work with your energy-bodies), and/or work with someone who does.

Disclaimer (and advice on how to use this website): All information on this website is intended to point to directions you might choose to look for yourself, not to present things to believe, so any problems resulting from your believing or disbelieving, looking or mis-looking, using or misusing the info presented on this website (or anything derived from it) are entirely your own responsibility.

Index to energy-bodies:

Energy-bodies which are known (to some degree) by existing spiritual traditions:

body, bones and meat etc.

Physical body. (Not an energy-body).

This structure which includes bones, muscles, organs etc. (somewhat known by western medicine) exists in the Physical-universe Playing-field, unlike energy-bodies which exist in the Magick-universe version of the Physical-universe (See Universes for details).

The Physical body can be seen mostly as separate (although joined) left and right halves.

Chakras: see our Chakras page for full details (of all the chakras illustrated here, plus some others).

Kundalini all stages

Kundalini: see our Kundalini page for full details (which includes 2 stages beyond what other current systems consider to be an “awakened” Kundalini).

Meridians: (as used by accupuncture and “tapping” systems) see our Meridians page for full details.

See also the Meridian-fields, which make sense as part of the same system (although they are spherical or ovoid, rather than the narrow channels of the better-known part of this system).

Astral-body: see our Astral-body page for full details (including how the Astral-body relates to dreaming and ghosts).

Etheric-double: see our Etheric-double page for full details.

Auras: see our Auras page for full details (note that there are many other auras in addition to the colored-aura).

“Triune Brain System”: see our Brains page for full details of this significant energy-body (note that this is an energy-body system, not the physical brain).

Spirit: the two vectors of Spirit.

Soul: the soul-levels.


Kalachakra. An energy-body with 8 vibrating wing-shaped structures.


Hrit chakra. It is rarely in the ideal condition illustrated here . . . usually it is in the substitute condition, which is a single spherical structure out in front of, and slightly higher than the heart. This system is unrelated to the “chakras” (above).

Life-cycles and energy-bodies:

What happens to energy-bodies at death.

The between-lives sequence (“bardo”).

Or . . .

Transmigration. (Taking ownership of a new human body by decision).

Energy-bodies not known by current versions of spiritual traditions:

(In approximate order of importance).

Energy-bodies added when the body is owned by an Ultimate-self. Located Presence-sphere (typically 2 to 3 feet in diameter), Small Located-presence (a sphere a few meters in diameter), Higher-self connection (a vertical line going up from the head), Lower-self, Placed-spirit (3 large spheres), Interior-container, 4th Soul-level, Body control lines coming in through the back of the neck), Existence-levels, Ownership-signal (a mask-shape under the surface of the face).

Existence-levels (including Games-levels: Player, Piece etc.) energy-body.

Eshu-groups. (And how to maintain their condition).

Main-viewpoint, (the location one usually sees from) and info on enlightenment, dyslexia and halo.

Body-controller (an important energy-body, controlling many aspects of the meat-and-bones body).

Power conditioning cloud: (a large dark cloudy structure near the bottom boundary of the Magick-universe version of the Physical-universe which is where all linear power-supply connections for energy-bodies connect up from).

Connections to Magick-universe. (a large, clear main part which is approximately spherical (with defined but soft edges), centered on the upper belly, and is typically about 60m in diameter).

Personality, identity and character defining energy-bodies.

Character of Functionality. (Three definition-items about 3.5m below the feet).

Personality Definition Structures. (1.5m below the feet, in front of the belly, above the head, and 2 other locations for humans with an Ultimate-self).

Seven Archetype Locations: (The 3 major locations are head, heart and belly, with an additional location below the base of the spine).

Identifying Codes. (One just above the head, one at the upper chest and the Piece-definition a few inches below the feet)

Identity. (A definition-structure just in front of the bridge of the nose up to the forehead, and a dark field from the head going down to approximately 3.6m below the feet).

Character.( A 20cm definition-space about 40cm below the feet, and a field the size of the body).

Volition-character. (An ellipsoid identity-space behind the body, below the base of the spine).

Lower character-definition. (A spherical 30cm definition-space about 18m below the feet).

Mask sets. (A vertical set of 6 masks in front of the face (extending above and below it) with a smaller set in front of the genitals).

Ownership Signal: (a small component in the belly, with a mask beneath the surface of the face if the body is owned by an Ultimate-self).

Ring of archetype-spheres. (In typical condition, a horizontal 20m ring of 2m spheres, upper belly level).

Control of Chi-flow. (A 60m diameter dark sphere centered on the belly, with a conical lower structures going all the way down to the boundary of the universe). An unusually significant energy-body.

Identity Morphic-field. (connects a few inches below the base of the spine).

Communication Action. (a small sphere in the lower belly with an energy-line connecting up then forward to the mouth, and energy-lines connecting thoughts copied into the Main-viewpoint, down and forward into the mouth, plus larger spherical fields).

Aliveness Expansion/Contraction: (a main spherical field which continually expands and contracts with smaller spheres under it).

Urge to Breathe. (an approximately spherical area of inflow in front of the chest, and outflow going vertically down from the center of the chest).

Hour-glass (can be used to clean and improve other energy-bodies).

Tiny-pair. (A small energy-body significant in terms of causing the imagination of negatives, for most people.)

Havingness energy-bodies.

Havingness. (a vertical row of 16 spheres).

Large Havingness Energy-body. (In very good condition, it includes a huge spherical space, and 2 vertical flows in front of the body).

Solidity-havingness-disc (a 30m horizontal disc, 6m below the feet).

Figure-8 Havingness-of-change (a figure-of-8 loop to the front and back of the solar-plexus).

Havingness connections. (24 connection lines which connect up to the lower area of a 4.5 meter wide diffuse approximately disc-shaped structure which is about 5 meters below the feet.)

Causal-presence Sphere. (a large sphere from waist level down about 16m, horizontal disks below that, and a connection up to the sole of the feet).

Player-cross (a cross-shaped energy-body relating to Existence-levels).

Spinal-Eshus (small structures in a line up the spine).

Mid-level confidence disc: (a solar-plexus level horizontal disc about 1.5m in diameter, with a pair of rings slightly above and below its edge, and vertical flows through the center).

Health Spheres. (about 660 spheres, in and around the body, each approximate 1.5m in diameter. They reduce in size with sickness or injury).

Large three-part active protection. (three 1,800m spheres each with a linear component below it).

Protection Fields. (a variable number from 1 up to about 400 approximately spherical fields in a wide variety of sizes and locations).

Flow Forwards in Time. (a forward horizontal flow, coming from down below, behind the body and continuing forwards and upwards, in front of the body).

Ongoing Presence Sphere. A 4 to 5m sphere centered in the belly. In good condition it’s clear, in bad condition it can be black.

Influence Over Areas of Involvement. (An ovoid over the body, with structures above and below it, and other ovoid structures lower down.)

Thick-field (an energy-body with a large low spherical field with some thickness, substance or opacity).

The Warriors (protection and intention into the future, giving and receiving).

Elements (4 positions, above, below, front and back. Inaccurately seen as earth, air, fire and water).

Causal-systems: Motivation-system, Volition-system, Decision-system, Life-system, Existence-system, Causal-presence. (These are related energy-bodies so it makes sense to talk about them together).

Emotional Level Cluster. A 30cm cluster of about 27 vertical ellipsoids, located about 4m below the feet.

One&Multiple system (relating to oneness and multiplicity).

Certainty-system (relating to certainty and creation).

Magick. This system in typical condition is a vertical row of capsules. In ideal condition it is a boundless area of particles.

Vril star. ( a dark 18m diameter three dimensional multi-point star-shaped part about 62m below the feet, and a set of five smaller bright spheres in and above the head).

Ego or Group-influence: (a 2cm sphere in the belly, another 2cm sphere just below the base of the spine, and either a larger ego structure above the head, or, for a small number of people, a large dark field from the belly with multiple perspectives and natural influence over others).

Morphic-field Star: (a multi-point star-shape 2.5m above the head, and a large dark lower field near the bottom boundary of the Universe).

Orgone-system (relating to courage and fulfillment).

Self Petals: (3 parts, one like a tulip flower based a few inches below the base of the spine and extending up to the shoulders, a smaller part starting a few inches above the head, and a flatter, wider part below the feet).

Life-joysticks (influencing relationships with various things in the Playing-fields).

Columns. (10 bright column-shaped structures about 16m below the body).

Pair of Pillars. (2 vertical pillars either side of the torso and slightly further forward than the mid-line).

Social-games-status. (A horizontal row of small structures 30m below the body, plus a large upper component).

Large low creativity ring: (a horizontal 500m diameter ring a meter or more thick, about 100m below the feet, and more than 40 energy-structures coming up from the ring, each an inverted cone).

Insubstantial Connection Spheres (this energy-body has a large number of overlapping insubstantial spheres in a vertical stack).

Seven-presence-fields: (7 fields, from a dark one slightly below the feet 180m wide and 2m high at the center, up to a bright one centered on the upper chest, up to 280m in diameter and close to spherical).

36-Sphere (helps effective use of the Magick-universe planes).

Connections-systems: Configuration of Basics (8 vertical lines), 8-connections (8 lines above and below, meeting at the belly), Infinities (approximately hour-glass shaped).

Large ring of stars: (a horizontal ring about 1,200m in diameter, which can have multi-point star-shaped structures on it, and thin horizontal fields around it).

Vertical accordions: (multiple vertical accordion-type structures centered about 20m below the feet).

Cosmic Bodies. (Nine small spherical energy-structures in a vertical row, seven within or near the physical-body).

Horizontal Rings. (many sets of 20cm rings, and a few 1m rings, on or near the body).

Other energy-bodies and connections etc.: Connections with Morphogenetic Fields, Original-self, Body-personality-definitions, Ancestors, Transtemporal-body, Life-Core, Essence-body, Orbits.

Non-ideals relating to energy-bodies:

Thoughts-Mind energy-body system (which includes other parts as well as the Thoughts-Mind).

Emotional-circuits energy-body and induction-loops etc. these non-ideal structures can be replaced with a far more ideal system.

other non-ideals such as other beings, energy-beams, reversals, blockages, and voids.

How to improve the condition of energy-bodies:

Using Deep-Clearing to work with your energy-bodies.

Using other technologies including Ifá, Reiki, Shamanism, Ayahuasca, Kabala, Shambalah, Merkabah, Rhumba, Samba, T’ai Chi and Chi Kung (Qui Gong) to add-to and improve your energy-bodies.

For a big boost to your ability to improve your energy-bodies and many other aspects of your spiritual condition, get my . . .

Ultimate-Self Restart process.

To get help:

  • improving your spiritual condition, and
  • getting more of what you want in life . . .

click here.

Further information, discussion etc.:

More details on some of the terms used on this website:

Universes (information on the chain of universes that we are in).

Magick-universe Matrix (the building-blocks of the universe above this one).

Ifá (a valuable spiritual and magick system, especially when the clean and extended version is used). The terms Ori and Eshu come from this tradition. This system includes correct data on the building-blocks of this Physical universe.

Suggested approaches for self-development in general (at some point in your progress with these suggested “spiritual technologies” you will be able to safely and effectively improve the condition of your energy-bodies).

Morphic-fields (MF’s) information on why groups can be very different from the sum of their parts, and how MF’s determine reality in this universe.

Ultimate-self: not an energy-body, it is the will and awareness that is the essence of the real, most senior “self” possible for a human (and things senior to humans). If it connects to a human body (as is true for slightly less than half the humans on earth at this time), it produces certain changes to energy-bodies etc.

Eshu: the chaos at the bottom of the scale of created-things, out of which creation arises (see ifa, above).

Our sister-sites are: which is focused on details of different types of non-ideals, how to process them, and how to improve ones spiritual condition in general, and which presents empirical data.

We also have a blog.

For discussion about energy-bodies and anything else relating to spirituality, please join my FaceBook Group.

If you want a big boost to your ability to improve your spiritual condition, get my . . .

Ultimate-Self Restart process.