Intelligence Structure

This structure, discovered by Max Sandor in 2013, is located on or in front of the frontal lobe of the brain, and is directly related to what society calls intelligence (which is mostly about agreed information). It is typically a few inches in size and approximately spherical.

It links to society-level Morphic-fields, and the agreed information they contain or link to. It is used to facilitate connections with that information, when thinking, reasoning or relating to others.

Most people on earth have links from it to the narrowly-defined polarized Morphic-fields they use, and thus only connect to the information agreed to by those Morphic-fields. This condition confers significant structural details within the intelligence structure area, and relates to having many persistent structures in the Thoughts-mind energy-body.

Beings on earth who are in very good condition instead link to much broader, non-polarized Morphic-fields, which confers a homogenous golden glow in the relevant area, and connection to a much broader range of information. In this condition, the Thoughts-mind contains very few persistent structures and only contains Thought-structures temporarily as they are being used.

Beings in other locations who are in extremely good condition, connect stored information directly rather than using Morphic-fields to do so, and so don’t have this Intelligence Structure.

It is not an energy-body because it is much more an area of contents rather than a standard structure.