This body-system has protection and support behind the body, causation into the future going forwards, and for a right-handed body receiving coming in along the left arm and giving going out the right arm.
The protection part of the system is centered around the shoulders but extends above and below the body. The forward flow into the future part of the system is centered slightly above head-level although originates from lower down.
In good condition the protection, causation into the future, receiving and giving flows all extend upwards and downwards to the boundaries of the universe, and the “spaces” they relate to are much larger than illustrated.
The receiving and giving components relate to a wide range of different types of receiving and giving, including energies and other flows to and from the universe, in addition to receiving and giving with other beings.
Since energy-bodies are in the Magick-universe version of the Physical-universe, the inflow and outflow concepts (such as for receiving and giving) are really inflow, aesthetics, outflow (since it relates to the building-blocks of the Magick-universe).
The aesthetic component between receiving and giving relates to something like quality of life. As in the building-blocks of the Magick-universe, inflow, aesthetics, outflow is really a circle, so one’s outflow relates significantly to one’s inflow, although they can be unbalanced and have different limitations in addition to having a significant relationship between the two.
A left-handed body will usually have giving and receiving on the opposite directions, and someone born left-handed but trained to be right-handed can have both directions working simultaneously (which can cause problems).
Part of the power-supply system for the Warriors are pairs of vortexes (not illustrated), revolving horizontally, one clock-wise and one counter-clockwise. These start with small pairs above the head, with increasingly large ones going down from there.