Eshu is the ifa word for the chaos at the bottom of each universe, out of which manifestation arises. There are many different sub-types of Eshu.
Most people have 3 main Eshu Groups below the feet. Other living things, and non-living things also have 3 Eshu groups . . . each spirit-arising has 3 Eshu Groups.
The first one, which has 24 different Eshus (or Eshu Combinations) when complete, and its completeness seems closely related to one’s personality-definition, i.e. someone with the all-options personality-definition is likely to also have the complete set of Eshus in each of the 3 Groups, is centered a few meters below the feet and is relatively well-defined.
See the approximate illustration on this page (not to scale . . . the lower 2 Eshu-groups are really far lower than illustrated, and much wider).
The next Eshu-Group (which has 48 different Eshus when complete) is lower, larger and more diffuse in nature, and the 3rd one (which has 96 different Eshus when complete) is lower still, larger and more diffuse and cloudy. These can be seen as an energy-body, or something like it, but every object (including spirits, and spirits of objects etc.) which exists (up to the Infinite-Life-Universe at least) has those 3 Main Eshu Groups below it.
Beings I have observed who can control matter and energy directly (without using a physical body to do so), and a few who are relatively advanced but not at that stage yet, have a 4th Eshu group below that (which has well over 100 different “Eshus” when complete). That additional Eshu-group is likely to want to form when a being gets to the higher end of being natural cause over Morphic-fields. There are actually 36 different Eshu groups in total.
When big changes happen, new instances of Eshus appear near (typically beside, off to the side rather than touching) one of the Eshu-groups and want to join with it. This happens due to significant changes due to effective spiritual processing (when there are can many new Eshu-instances each day, which is an approximate measure of progress) or otherwise typically happens a few times in most human’s lives . . . the poltergeist phenomenon is one example of things happening due to new Eshu(s) arriving but not being integrated (see below), and most often happens to teenage girls because their changes are bigger in some ways than males or changes at other ages.
For newly-arriving Eshu (even if one has all the Eshus in an Eshu-group, new instances will continue to arrive due to significant changes, such as effective processing) . . . when they arrive they are initially only connected slightly to the relevant Eshu-group, such as with 1 or 2 connection lines . . . this is a condition of not being well integrated, and in that condition, they will usually cause problems either to the person or around that person (depending on the specific Eshu and other factors).
Most Eshus would naturally integrate within a few days, i.e. they would form hundreds of connection-lines with other Eshus in the group, and other parts of the supporting structures, move to their appropriate place within the group configuration, and thus know what their job is, which will be something in alignment with the being’s overall aims, but in a non-integrated condition, they don’t know what their job is, and thus their default action is some form of destruction or chaos (similar to the lower pole of a Genie if not given a specific task to do).
Thus, when big changes are happening, integrating newly arriving Eshus is a good idea, else one will be likely to have problems for a few days until they integrate, or occasionally one won’t integrate, due to being linked to non-ideals, or due to being a combination of Eshus which needs to be split into its component parts before it can integrate. Integrating an Eshu involves erasing any non-ideals it is linked to, splitting it into its components if necessary, helping it move it to its appropriate place in the Eshu-group in relation to the other Eshus, and creating hundreds of connection-lines to the relevant places (mostly to other Eshus in the same group).
Some people have non-integrated Eshus for long periods, and are thus “accident prone” or cause problems around them during that time. Not all Eshus are part of the Eshu-groups detailed here, so some problems can be caused by Eshus which are not meant to be there at all. Most (maybe all) accidents, injuries etc. can be seen as being caused by problematic Eshus, although the Eshus which are well-integrated are essential for the health of the body, so any attitude which has any suppressive action on Eshu in general, is bad for the person.