Social-games-status energy-body

This energy-body (illustrated not to scale, discovered by the late Caleb Flick) has an approximately spherical component about 30m below the feet, which relates to games-status for social games involving other or groups, and to which various energies and power-supply connections can connect (depending on one’s involvement with different games).

There are smaller spheres either side, varying in number from about 5 to about 30, which relate to support for different games, each sphere relating to a different type of game.

These parts around 30m below the feet also communicate with other things.

Then there is a large upper pole, as illustrated, which has energies relating to games, flowing through it.

Most people have this energy-body in poor condition, and I recommend that one should not attempt to change this energy-body unless one has very good awareness, as the consequences of mistakes can be significant in terms of one’s functionality in life.

People in good condition will have more of the game-involvement flows connected to the central part, and those in extremely good condition will have several hundred game-involvement flows connected to the central part and no stable structures to the sides.