There is a false hrit “chakra” which, when erased is likely to result in formation of the ideal hrit energy-body (if the other systems of the person are in relatively good condition, and the person has the more powerful energy-level for energy-bodies).

This is an illustration of the False Hrit “chakra”. It typically connects down to the center of the Kalachakra system although can connect to various other systems.
It is a separate system from “the chakras” (some Eastern systems seem to use the word “chakra” to refer to any component of any energy-body).
If the overall spiritual condition of the person improves a lot, this false hrit will decrease in power.

The ideal Hrit energy-body (unrelated to “the chakras”).
This energy-body consists of a long series of alternating ovoids and spheres, pale pink in color, on a vertical energy-line. Only a small part of it is illustrated here . . . it continues far above and below what I show here, only gradually decreasing in strength at both ends.
Only about 11 people on earth at this time have this energy-body in this condition.
It relates to manifestation, by helping connect Morphic-fields who want to out-flow something, to Morphic-fields who want to in-flow the same thing, via humans. It relates to the joy of the existence of all creations.