This energy-body (discovered by Roy Vinner) has a 30m wide horizontal disc-shaped part, about 6m below the feet.
Most people have it in poor condition, with the disc being solid, stiff and relating to oppositional energies, with small spherical lower-poles below it. This poor condition is mainly due to having the end part of the Magick-universe (where any solidity was non-ideal), and this universe (where solidity is a fundamental part of the Playing-field contents, and one needs to be able to be comfortable pervading and using it), confused together, with insistence on flow in opposition to insistence on solidity, and refusals of both.
In very good condition the disc has a non-solid dark lower layer which is slowly moving (with both horizontal and vertical looped flows), flowing, and in a condition of contact with all relevant potential, and a slightly higher upper layer which is bright, flowing and in a condition of joyous energy-flow. In very good condition, the lower poles are huge and become hemispheres with the lower flat part in contact with the bottom-boundary of the universe, and the energy-body confers good havingness of both solidity and relevant flows.