This energy-body relates to the ifa archetypes. It has components in the same locations as the 6 components of the Triune-brain-system, with a 7th component (Eshu, located below the base of the spine).
It is a separate energy-body from the Triune-brain-system, but the two systems influence each other strongly (and were based on the same template from the Magick-universe). For example, for most people, temporarily moving the Seven Archetype Locations system sideways away from the body, is enough to temporarily merge the Brains.
The Eshu location is below the base of the spine. Most humans have it within a few inches of the base of the spine, and it can even be above the base of the spine if it is in very poor condition. The better overall spiritual condition one is in, the lower it is, and the more ability one has to be cause in this universe (trying to lower it by force is not recommended and can be very dangerous).
Summary of the archetypes.
Filbert mentions, in Excalibur Revisited, three types of people: truth people, affinity people and survival people. (The following data is from Ed Dawson)
- Survival people: the belly brain users (Ogun and Yemanja complexes) Survival = ika
- Affinity people: the heart brain users (Shango and Oshun complexes) Affinity = otura
- Truth people: the head brain users (Obatala and Oya complexes) Truth = ofun
These archetypes focus on these olodu goals very strongly.
In addition to the six complexes mentioned above, the high priests in the new world add Eshu.
People who exhibit eshu behavior tend to have as their goals:
- Life-as-spirit/physical death (opposite to survival) = oturupon and negative ika
- freedom from attachment/hate (opposite to affinity) = irete and negative otura
- creativity/lies (opposite to truth) = oshe and negative ofun
Note that each of these archetypes makes a few abilities relatively easy, and a lot of other things difficult or impossible. Beings in good condition use an all-options configuration, which allows all abilities and doesn’t impose any limitations.
The archetype (or all-options configuration) is implemented in the Personality Definition Structures (where the all-options configuration is all items present at full power).
The above is the basic data. For more detail see the ASD (Advanced-Selfdevelopment-Data: access available upon request).