This energy-body is in a negative condition for most people, where it is receiving influences rather than outflowing them.
In this typical condition it has a dark ovoid approximately the size of the torso, with somewhat solid curved caps slightly above the top and slightly below the bottom, and various ovoid parts below that, one for each area one is involved in, each surrounded by areas of solidification. In this condition, the energy-body is being blocked from influencing anything, due to non-ideals in both the Magick-universe and the Magick-universe version of the Physical-universe.
About 65 people on earth at this time have this energy-body in good enough condition to be outflowing influence overall. In this condition, the dark ovoid over the body is several times the size of the body, with structures above and below it which connect upwards and downwards (to the top and bottom of the universe, with flows from them through this energy-body). The ovoid parts below are large (many times the size of the body, and typically overlapping) and in good connection with relevant areas, which influence areas one is involved in, to one’s benefit.