This energy-body is a spherical energy-field, usually located in the middle of the head, although it can be elsewhere, and is typically the default location one has when one closes one’s eyes.
It’s size can vary from less than a centimeter in diameter to almost a meter (size increasing as one’s approximate overall spiritual condition improves), and its function is being the location (not really a point) from which one usually constructs a model of “reality”.
Most people have the Main-viewpoint in a dark condition, less than zero on the scale of created-things. Its condition can be improved, either directly or as a result of other improvement of spiritual condition, and will suddenly become bright (as illustrated) when it gets above zero on the scale of created-things. This can feel something like a lightbulb being turned on in one’s head, and is the original meaning of “enlightenment” as used by Gotamo (“Buddha”).
Beings in good spiritual condition can create additional locations from which to view.

Some people have the Main-viewpoint in a different location, such as above the head and out in front. From this location, if one is reading, the eyes will see the words from one direction, and the Main-viewpoint will be seeing the same words from the reversed viewpoint (since they are looking back at the words from a location out in front) which is the cause of “dyslexia“.
If one moves the Main-viewpoint into the middle of the head, so it sees things from the same perspective as the eyes, then that person will no longer have dyslexia. (I first learned this information from Ed Dawson, and verified if for myself).
When the body dies, or is extremely sick so that the Ultimate-self no longer wants to be “in” the body, the Main-viewpoint will typically move to a few meters above the body, looking down on the body.

A person in good spiritual condition can choose to configure their Main-viewpoint with the lower-pole (which would normally be slightly below the feet) in the center, with the upper-pole outside it.
The result is a “halo” (usually illustrated smaller than it actually is).
The ifa term for a dark part inside with a bright part outside it is “aje”, which can be applied to this configuration (as well as to other things).
This aje configuration confers some advantages in some ways, but is an option, many beings in equally good spiritual condition leaving their Main-viewpoint in the usual configuration.