Transmigration means that when one’s current body dies, one doesn’t go through the usual Between-lives sequence, but retains a decent degree of awareness and functionality, and takes ownership of a new body by decision.
Transmigration (a term which has been used by modern philosophers such as Kurt Gödel) is a form of reincarnation (aka. “rebirth”), a Latin term that literally means “entering the flesh again” (although being precise, incarnation is a separate process to taking ownership of a human body). And the term “reincarnation” usually refers to someone who goes through the automatic Between-lives sequence. The part of oneself which continues from one body to another is what I call the Ultimate-self (the “soul” is an energy-body, which ceases to exist within a few days of the body dying).
Transmigration can be a huge opportunity to improve one’s spiritual condition, or can lower one’s spiritual condition, depending on how effectively one can process one’s limitations before taking ownership of a new body.
Processing is VASTLY more efficient and effective while one is not connected to a body nor to most of the goals, games and other connections of a human life. So, if one can process effectively without using a body (and/or if one gets help from someone else who can directly process someone else’s non-ideals), then transmigrating is a great opportunity for rapid improvement in spiritual condition.
If one doesn’t process effectively during transmigration, then one is likely to have a lower spiritual condition next lifetime, because one will retain connection to all the accumulated non-ideals from the previous lifetime, and the experience of death of the previous body is likely to put more spiritual charge on more non-ideals.
The main prerequisites for processing effectively without a body are to be able to let go of enough connections and aims from the past, to be able to get free from having one’s attention trapped in non-ideals, and to be able to process from at least two universes senior to this universe. One needs to process the shock and loss of the death which just happened, as well as other non-ideals.
One is also likely to get a further improvement in spiritual condition about 3 months after the previous body died, because people who knew the previous body will hold onto their definition of that person’s condition, as a Morphic-field, then let go of it about 3 months later (because that would be the average time before the Ultimate-self would take ownership of a new baby body if it went through the Between-lives sequence).
Transmigration steps:
To transmigrate, when the body dies, one would usually retain contact with the Astral-body (which will almost always happen naturally anyway, although beings in very good condition would use contact with the Small Presence-sphere and not retain the Astral-body which maintains links to the previous lifetime), and either allows the Astral-body to disconnect from the meat-and-bones body naturally (which it would typically do within a few days of death) or disconnect it oneself. The Astral-body will usually get bigger and more spherical (less like a human-body shape) when disconnected.
The placed-spirit energy-body will naturally disconnect from the old body just after the Astral-body (and the attention of the Ultimate-self with it) does so. The existence-levels (including Player, etc.), Located Presence-sphere and Small Located-presence would typical remain in existence if one transmigrates intending to take ownership of another body in the near future.
One then needs to retain just enough aims and/or connections to Physical-universe reality not to be pulled into the Between-lives sequence, but no more than that, because the more aims and connections one has, the less efficient and effective one’s processing will be. I have found that a strong interest in doing something in the future (such as enjoying another human lifetime, travelling, experiencing specific things etc.) plus a definite connection to an area of land (such as the area one might like to find the next human body to own), works well (for the 4 transmigrations for different people, which I have facilitated so far).
Then one should do as much effective processing as one is willing to do. Most people spend around a week without owning a body, while transmigrating, although longer (or shorter) than that is an option.
Once one feels ready to take ownership of a human body, one needs to choose a compatible body . . . one’s personality-definition and other characteristics will make some bodies more suitable than others (and one should, of course, have a look at the life-context and condition of the body). I also recommend taking ownership of an adult body, because if one takes ownership of a body around the time of birth, the traumas and inability to get what one wants in the first few years of life are likely to decrease one’s spiritual condition (unless one is starting in very good condition).
Once one has chosen a suitable body, one will create a connection-line down to it (this will usually happen automatically, and “claims” the body, tending to prevent another Ultimate-self from taking ownership of it), then, when one is ready, one will let one’s attention fall down that connection-line to own, and to consider that one is being that body (to a greater or lesser extent depending on one’s spiritual condition).
Incarnation (which is a separate step, and involves the Being forming an ongoing relationship with the Physical-universe Playing-field) would usually start to happen automatically within a few hundredths of a second of having fallen down the connection-line (although not everyone who owns a body incarnates into it, and those who don’t, might incarnate, or attempt to do so, elsewhere). Incarnation takes about 3 days to complete.
When one takes ownership of a body, whatever age of the body one takes ownership of it, the ownership connection goes back in time (within a tiny fraction of a second) and claims ownership of that body from conception.
One should choose what to do with the two Astral-bodies (the one already on the new body, and the one which came from the old body) . . . various options are possible, including erasing the existing one and connecting the new one instead, or keeping both. If one doesn’t find a good handling of this, then it can cause problems (as it did for me after my last non-ideal transmigration).
If one takes an adult body, one of the main factors which results in forgetting the past, is the huge difference in reality in the new lifetime. The degree that a big shift in reality will result in forgetting depends on one’s overall spiritual condition . . . if one already has a lot of reality on things beyond a single human-body experience, then it is likely to be less of a dramatic shift.
Being ethical, one would take ownership of an adult body which does not already have an Ultimate-self owning it. This applies to more than half of the human bodies on earth at this time. Another option is to find a human body in healthy physical condition which is in a coma caused by the Ultimate-self refusing any more experience in that body (a healthy human body in a coma is usually kept that way by a field imposed by the Ultimate-self who owns it, which shuts down the body’s willingness to be conscious).
. . . one can check that that Ultimate-self really wants to leave that body, disconnect it from the body, and send it into the Between-lives sequence. Another option is finding someone who definitely wants to commit suicide, and offering to disconnect them from their body and send them into the Between-lives sequence, before taking ownership of their body.
Note: I’ve deliberately left some of the details unspecified, such as how to disconnect an Astral-body or an Ultimate-self, because if one cannot clearly see objective reality on such things by looking at some examples, then attempting to do such things by trying to interpret written words, is a bad idea in my opinion.