Most people have this energy-body in poor condition, with a small group of structures approximately in a vertical line, a few centimeters in front of the body and a few centimeters to the left of the center. This condition enforces a being in only one Games-status level of various Games and other aspects of reality, as well as causing other limitations (and was discovered by Max Sandor, along with one of the intermediate stages of this energy-body).
When in very good condition, it has a huge “hollow” space (which varies in size for different people, but might be several hundred meters in diameter), centered below the body, with large and powerful support-structures below it. This confers good Havingness in general, and contact with all Games-status-levels (instead of just one level for each Game). (Note that the ideal condition is to have all Games-statuses, not just the highest games-status).
In this very good condition it also has clean vertical flows a few centimeters in front of the body, one about 20cm to the left of center, and the other about 20cm to the right. The left one is for havingness in the Physical-universe Playing-field, and the one on the right is for Shadow-havingness.
Shadow-havingness is Havingness of the “shadow” area which is what is below the bottom boundary of each Universe if you go down below it without going into the next universe underneath it. The contents of Shadow-havingness are vast numbers of dark particles.
In this very good condition it also has a vertical row of several small spherical components below the bottom of the huge hollow space. This energy-body needs a lot more power connected to it (although not as much as some other energy-bodies, like the Kalachakra need, to be in ideal condition), to be in the very good condition, compared to the condition most people have it in.