This energy-body has three main components. It has a small spherical component about 2cm in diameter, just above the center of the belly, which is linked by a straight line to a similar-sized component just below the base of the spine.
Nearly everyone has a definition structure inside the component in the belly, set to “ego” which manifests a larger structure above the head (which has some internal structures), typically a couple of meters in diameter, centered about 1.5m above the head and linked to the component in the belly. This manifests ego, fixation on self and having a single perspective, and fear of others and defense of self.
A relatively small number of people have the definition structure inside the component in the belly, set to multiple views (which implements a sort of group influence, the effects of which were discovered by Max Sandor in 2012)), which includes a specific number of viewpoints each in a different location (the number can vary between a few to over a hundred thousand), and projects a dark spherical field, typically about 4m in diameter, outwards from the component in the belly. In this condition, the person radiates certainty, people are much less likely to doubt them, they tend to naturally relate easily to the perspectives of other people and so influence others, and lack the very common characteristics of needing to defend their ego and their own single viewpoint.
People with the group-influence condition include John Travolta, and Heinrich Harrer. Many prostitutes use the multiple Oshun-viewpoint (mostly without knowing it), which switches them to the group-influence condition. Oshun is located in front of the body, looking at it. If they create or feel a bunch of them around their body, they are creating a morphic field of ‘lust’. Just switching off those viewpoints, and they’re back to ‘normal’ in a split second.
In good condition, the group-influence condition has many parts of other energy-bodies projecting the same energies as the dark field, which also links the person to the environment.
In even better condition (which only about 8 humans on this planet, at this time, have), this energy-body has a clean upper part into which intentions can be placed, and dark lower parts which then act on those intentions.