This page covers some details of what happens to energy-bodies when the meat-and-bones body dies, including some information on ghosts, the between-lives sequence and transmigration etc.
At the instant the meat-and-bones body dies, the Spirit-arising and Soul are fixed at that location (even if the meat-and-bones body is moved after that) and gradually dissolve, returning information to the common pools of their respective parts. This dissolving will typically take a few hours, although can take longer if there is extreme trauma.
So even if the body dies in a moving car, the Spirit-arising and Soul remain in the exact location they were when the body died.
When the body dies, or within a few seconds of it dying, the Main-viewpoint will typically move to be above the body, looking down on the body, and dissolves within 3 days.
Most of the other energy-bodies also dissolve, starting with the Life-force Eshu part of the Decision-system which is behind the knees, typically staying with the physical body if it is moved. They take varying times to dissolve, and after about 3 days in total, most of them will be gone. As the energy-bodies are dissolving, they also separate from each other (in terms of their awareness, and some of them, spatially too), as it is the construction-template for the composite human-body which gathers them all together.
The main exception is Placed-spirit, if that is present on the body (due to the body being owned by an Ultimate-self). This energy-body does not dissolve at death, and can last for trillions of years. It sometimes changes condition at death, maybe getting smaller or less intense, but some part of it almost always remains, and will (after the Between-lives sequence or transmigration) join the new body when the Ultimate-self joins it (see below).
The Astral-body usually ceases its connection (in the middle of the belly) to the meat-and-bones body soon after death (typically within a few minutes), and then will usually dissolve within about 3 days.
If around the time of death, there is significant enough trauma, or unwillingness to let go of ones goals during that lifetime, then the Astral-body can be persistent (and continue relating to the space of the Playing-field) and separate from the meat-and-bones body. This is a ghost. If an Ultimate-self owned the body which just died, then the Ultimate-self will hold on to the Astral-body until it either lets go of what it is holding on to and goes into the Between-lives sequence, or transmigrates and takes ownership of a new body. If no ultimate-self owned the body, part of the personality of the being will be attached to the Astral-body.
A ghost will persist until it lets go of the goals and/or trauma which were keeping it there, which usually happens within a few decades, but can occasionally be a few thousand years, or, very rarely, longer than that. It is possible for an animal Astral-body to form a ghost, although this is less common than with humans (because animals tend to accept reality more than humans do). There are a few domestic cat ghosts, very few chimpanzee ghosts, and almost no ghosts of other species on earth.
An Ultimate-self will usually go through the Between-lives sequence, but, if it is capable of improving its spiritual condition without having a body, then transmigration is a better option.
After the Ultimate-self lets go of the dead body, it typically lets go of the goals it had during that lifetime, and is then automatically pulled into the Between-lives area, where some of the “spiritual-charge” accumulated from that lifetime is reduced, and there are various stages of re-programming and the enforced decision to “choose” a new personality and go down into a new human body around the time of birth.
The time between the death of one body, and the birth of the next one that the Ultimate-self uses, is an average of around 3 months of time in this universe, although this can vary considerably. I say “in this universe” because the Between-lives area is pocket-universe off of the first time-line in the universe above this one, so time passes more quickly there than here.