This energy-body (discovered by Caleb Flick) has a vertical stack of overlapping transparent spheres (some can be blackish). These spheres are much less substantial than the components of most energy-bodies, and can move more easily. It’s also unusual for an energy-body to have components with a clear boundary which overlap so much.
The spheres are different in size (from less than a meter in diameter to several meters) for different people, exist from approximately neck level down to near the bottom boundary of the universe, and number up to around 760 (the number can vary for different people).
They are involved in connecting to relatively large-scale spirits and energy-fields, each sphere connecting to a different range of these. These spirits and energy-fields relate to the reality of energy-bodies and their context, (not to objects in the Physical-universe Playing-field), and having good connection to lots of them confers a state of the “spiritual joy” of being supported and accepted in the relevant reality (which can be experienced as something like a golden glowing bliss).
If they are in poor condition the spheres can become bright, and can connect to each other, becoming more rigid and substantial.