This energy-body consists of from 1 up to about 400 approximately spherical fields in a wide variety of sizes and locations. It is notable because, in non-ideal condition, it can block flows necessary for the proper functionality of other energy-bodies.
These fields can block flows if they consider something to be non-ideal, but the definition they use of “non-ideal” can be very distorted. For example, if one improves the condition of power-supply connections to an energy-body, this Protection Fields energy-body can interpret that change as “non-ideal” and block flows in other energy-bodies, causing problems such as weakness, tiredness, decreased self-esteem or headaches.
This energy-body can manifest new fields in areas it considers need blocking (such as near the bottom boundary of the universe”. People in very good spiritual condition only have a single large field. Most people on earth have a standard set of at least 250 fields, with additional ones added on an individual basis.
The sizes of its fields range from many hundreds of meters in diameter, down to a few millimeters in diameter. Their locations are mainly centered on a vertical center-line of the body although a few of them are not, including several relatively small fields at the edges of the largest fields. It includes many fields near the bottom boundary of the universe.
It is often possible to talk to fields which are blocking flows, telling them that the changes they reacted to are not problematic, and they can cease their blocking actions. It can help to connect all parts of this energy-body to pervasive Higher-self, and the lower pole of Higher-self (connecting them up to the main upper pole of Higher-self is not recommended), because that gives them better information to base their actions upon.