

These (sometimes called “channel network”) are well known from Chinese medicine and used by the acupuncture tradition.

They relate to different organs, both organs of the physical-body and “organs” of the energy-systems. However, they can also relate to other energy-bodies (for example one meridian which is near the surface of the skin on the side of the neck connects to the 3rd Soul-level).

Also, there are actually more meridians outside the body (not illustrated) than inside it, plus other energy-structures outside those, and each meridian junction has a connection to Source/Ground.

Acupuncture, accupressure and Zero-balancing work with the Meridians inside the meat-body, and you can use an easy-to-learn simplified approach, EFT ( yourself, which can be effective on emotions and feelings, and if you use it consistently for at least 3 weeks can make other changes (even improvements in health).

See also, the Meridian Fields, which make most sense seen as part of the same system (although they are spherical or ovoid in shape).

Negative experiences, and some other aberrational influences, can be seen as being stored as configurations of the whole Meridien-system. The Meridien-system relates somewhat to Morphic-field configurations.